PHP Array to Text Table Function

Have you ever wanted to display the contents of an array as a table in a command line script? If so, you will have no doubt realised that it takes somewhat longer than it’s html equivalent.

I needed to output some data in a tabular format from a PHP CLI script this week. MySQL does a good job of this with it’s own command line interface, so my first hope was that someone may have replicated this in a PHP function. After a fair bit of searching on Google, I still couldn’t find a suitable tool, so I decided to write my own.

Please note that it is not perfect; e.g. it will break with unpredictable results if the array you pass to it is not correctly formed. However, if you want a quick function that converts an array to a table, then this will certainly help:

<style type="text/css">

* {font-family:courier new;}


// FUNCTION: draw_text_table ($table)
// Accepts an array ($table) and returns a text table
// Array must be of the form:

$table[1]['id']       = '1';
$table[1]['make']     = 'Citroen';
$table[1]['model']    = 'Saxo';
$table[1]['version']  = '1.4 West Coast';

$table[2]['id']       = '2';
$table[2]['make']     = 'Honda';
$table[2]['model']    = 'Civic';
$table[2]['version']  = '1.6 VTi';

$table[3]['id']       = '3';
$table[3]['make']     = 'BMW';
$table[3]['model']    = '3 Series';
$table[3]['version']  = '328 Ci';


function draw_text_table ($table) {
// Work out max lengths of each cell
foreach ($table AS $row) {
$cell_count = 0;
        foreach (
$row AS $key=>$cell) {
$cell_length = strlen($cell);
            if (!isset(
$cell_lengths[$key]) || $cell_length > $cell_lengths[$key]) $cell_lengths[$key] = $cell_length;

// Build header bar

$bar = '+';
$header = '|';

    foreach (
$cell_lengths AS $fieldname => $length) {
$bar .= str_pad('', $length+2, '-')."+";
$name = $i.") ".$fieldname;
        if (
strlen($name) > $length) {
// crop long headings
$name = substr($name, 0, $length-1);
$header .= ' '.str_pad($name, $length, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT) . " |";

$output = '';

$output .= $bar."\n";
$output .= $header."\n";
$output .= $bar."\n";

// Draw rows

foreach ($table AS $row) {
$output .= "|";
        foreach (
$row AS $key=>$cell) {
$output .= ' '.str_pad($cell, $cell_lengths[$key], ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT) . " |";
$output .= "\n";

$output .= $bar."\n";



$table[1]['id']       = '1';
$table[1]['make']     = 'Citroen';
$table[1]['model']    = 'Saxo';
$table[1]['version']  = '1.4 West Coast';

$table[2]['id']          = '2';
$table[2]['make']     = 'Honda';
$table[2]['model']    = 'Civic';
$table[2]['version']  = '1.6 VTi';

$table[3]['id']          = '3';
$table[3]['make']     = 'BMW';
$table[3]['model']    = '3 Series';
$table[3]['version']  = '328 Ci';

'This function takes an array like this:<br /><pre>';


'</pre>And converts it into a text table like this:<br /><pre>';

draw_text_table ($table);

'</pre>Handy for command line output!';


7 thoughts on “PHP Array to Text Table Function”

  1. I was just going to write one of these from scratch up today, you saved me, what I though was going to be about an hour, or as you explained, probroly more!

    Serisouly wicked. We must be the only ones that use php on the command line. 😀

    – Allan Button

  2. Hi there,

    I modified a bit your function to take into account the length of the keys :

    function drawTextTable($table)
    # add header length to table
    $headers = array_keys($table[0]);

    foreach ($headers as $key => $header)
    $headers[$header] = $header;

    $ttable = $table;
    $ttable[] = $headers;

    # Work out max lengths of each cell
    foreach ($ttable AS $row)
    $cell_count = 0;

    foreach ($row AS $key => $cell)
    $cell_length = strlen($cell);

    if (!isset($cell_lengths[$key]) || $cell_length > $cell_lengths[$key])
    $cell_lengths[$key] = $cell_length;

    # Build header bar
    $bar = ‘+’;
    $header = ‘|’;
    $i = 0;

    foreach ($cell_lengths AS $fieldname => $length)
    $bar .= str_pad(”, $length + 2, ‘-‘).’+’;

    $name = $fieldname;

    if (strlen($name) > $length)
    # crop long headings
    $name = substr($name, 0, $length-1);

    $header .= ‘ ‘.str_pad($name, $length, ‘ ‘, STR_PAD_BOTH) . ‘ |’;

    $output = ”;
    $output .= $bar.”\n”;
    $output .= $header.”\n”;
    $output .= $bar.”\n”;

    # Draw rows
    foreach ($table AS $row)
    $output .= “|”;

    foreach ($row AS $key=>$cell)
    $output .= ‘ ‘.str_pad($cell, $cell_lengths[$key], ‘ ‘, STR_PAD_RIGHT).’ |’;

    $output .= “\n”;

    $output .= $bar.”\n”;

    return $output;


  3. takes care of fieldnames that are longer than actual values:

    function draw_text_table ($table) {

    // Work out max lengths of each cell

    foreach ($table AS $row) {
    $cell_count = 0;
    foreach ($row AS $key=>$cell) {
    $cell_length = strlen($cell);

    //if($cell_length $cell_lengths[$key]) $cell_lengths[$key] = $cell_length;


    // Build header bar

    $bar = ‘+’;
    $header = ‘|’;

    foreach ($cell_lengths AS $fieldname => &$length) {

    $name = $i.”) “.$fieldname;
    if (strlen($name) > $length) {
    // crop long headings

    // $name = substr($name, 0, $length-1);

    $bar .= str_pad(”, $length+2, ‘-‘).”+”;
    $header .= ‘ ‘.str_pad($name, $length, ‘ ‘, STR_PAD_RIGHT) . ” |”;


    $output = ”;

    $output .= $bar.”n”;
    $output .= $header.”n”;

    $output .= $bar.”n”;

    // Draw rows

    foreach ($table AS $row) {
    $output .= “|”;

    foreach ($row AS $key=>$cell) {
    $output .= ‘ ‘.str_pad($cell, $cell_lengths[$key], ‘ ‘, STR_PAD_RIGHT) . ” |”;

    $output .= “n”;

    $output .= $bar.”n”;

    return $output;


  4. I’m lazy to code, and lazy to write. Therefore:

    // Work out max lengths of each cell
    foreach ($table AS $row) {
    foreach ($row AS $key=>$cell) $cell_lengths[$key] = max(@$cell_lengths[$key], strlen($cell));


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